WING LUNG BANK, LTD. Banking company

  • H1B employers in USA SAN FRANCISCO, CA

H1b sponsor WING LUNG BANK, LTD.

About Employer

CMB Wing Lung Bank is a bank based in Hong Kong. As of December 2013, the Bank has 50 business outlets in Hong Kong, Mainland China, Macau and overseas. The bank was founded in 1933 by Dr. Wu Yee-Sun, who owned a majority stake in the bank. It was listed in Hong Kong from 1980 to 2009 until it was acquired by China Merchants Bank. It currently employs over 1,700 people and has assets over HK$ 200 billion.

Visa Classes

Employment Types

Visa Status

H4 Visa for dependent

No data

1 agents serving WING LUNG BANK, LTD. for h1b visa.