Standard Occupational Classification System Item

Group Detailed
Code 39-3031
Title Ushers, Lobby Attendants, and Ticket Takers
Definition Assist patrons at entertainment events by performing duties, such as collecting admission tickets and passes from patrons, assisting in finding seats, searching for lost articles, and helping patrons locate such facilities as restrooms and telephones." Broad,39-3090,Miscellaneous Entertainment Attendants and Related Workers, Detailed,39-3091,Amusement and Recreation Attendants,"Perform a variety of attending duties at amusement or recreation facility. May schedule use of recreation facilities, maintain and provide equipment to participants of sporting events or recreational pursuits, or operate amusement concessions and rides." Detailed,39-3092,Costume Attendants,"Select, fit, and take care of costumes for cast members, and aid entertainers. May assist with multiple costume changes during performances." Detailed,39-3093,"Locker Room, Coatroom, and Dressing Room Attendants